
700 Minilabs Delivered

Since project start, overall 700 Minilabs have now been delivered to 91 countries. Minilab number 700 went to the National Drug Quality Control Laboratory in Benin. In fact, it is the first Minilab established in this country. Facing the menace of counterfeit medicines and the need to protect patients against them, the Minilabs of the Global Pharma Health Fund (GPHF) are helping authorities and associated drug supply organisations in screening vital medicines and verifying their label claims in a non-sophisticated, reliable and affordable fashion. The majority of Minilab users are based in the sub-Saharan and South East Asian region. Main implementation partner is the Promoting the Quality of Medicine (PQM) programme maintained by the United States Pharmacopeial (USP) Convention and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). A sincere vote of thanks to them and all other partners.

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