2021: Gefälschte Malariamittel im Tschad, in der Elfenbeinküste und in Mali entdeckt
Onset 2021, the West African Health Organization (WAHO) conducted a cross-country surveillance on fake antimalarials in francophone West Africa. At the same time, the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) was on the ground in order to conduct due diligence for the supply of medicines in their own faith-based health structures, including those in remote areas. Both, the public sector team and the faith-based team used the Global Pharma Health Fund's (GPHF) Minilab for monitoring the quality of medicines. In 2020, the EPN Minilab working group already identified some suspicious COMBIART patient packs, informed the World Health Organization (WHO) and helped to put WAHO on track to find more falsified packs in other countries. For more details, go to the Medical Product Alert of the World Health Organization (WHO).
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