2019: Abermals gefälschte Malariatabletten in Kamerun aufgetaucht
After procurement by a faith-based drug supply organisation and subsequent due diligence testing, a suspicious-looking malaria drug was observed. When verifying the label claim with the mobile minilab technology of the Global Pharma Health Fund (GPHF), it was found that the active agent proguanil was not present in the tablets. The results obtained with GPHF-Minilab have later been confirmed by fully-fledged lab testing at the Mission for Essential Drug Supplies in Kenya. If present, the missing proguanil exists for the prevention of malaria in pregnancy and immune compromised patients. If, like in this case, the tested tablets consist only of starch and the active ingredient is missing, the infection cannot be cured. More on this case can be found on GPHF’s Facebook timeline.
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